2014 Messages

Counsel to the Younger

October 13, 2019

Counsel to the Older

October 6, 2019

Counsel in Sound Doctrine

September 29, 2019

Counsel to Church Leaders

September 22, 2019

Date Series Sermon Scripture Special Events
5-Jan Inclement  Weather Day – No Services
12-Jan Living Life Together Why Are We Here, Where Are We Going, and How Do You Fit In? Ephesians 3:14-21
19-Jan Living Life Together Living Together As the People of God Exodus 1:1-2:10, 23-25 Sanctity of Human Life; Baby Dedication
26-Jan Inclement  Weather Day – No   Services
2-Feb Living Life Together Living Life Together Through a Growing Knowledge of Our God Exodus 3:1-15; 4:1-17
9-Feb Living Life Together Living Life Together by Selecting the Right God Exodus 5:1-6:13
16-Feb Living Life Together Living Life Together in the Joy of Our Redemption Exodus 11:1-12:41 Valentine’s   Day
23-Feb Living Life Together Living Life Together by Trusting Our Mighty Deliverer Exodus 14
2-Mar Inclement Weather Day – No   Services
9-Mar Living Life Together Living Life Together by Rejoicing in a Shepherd Who Provides Exodus 16 Daylight   Savings Time Begins; Gideon Speaker
16-Mar Living Life Together Living Life Together by Joyful Obedience to Our Covenant Exodus 19
23-Mar Guest Speaker Chris Gendron
30-Mar Living Life Together Living Life Together in Celebration of the Mercy of God Exodus 32 5th Sunday; BCC 101
6-Apr Friend Request Joining the Celebration Philippians 2:1-18 Camp Selah
13-Apr Friend Request The End of Blah, Blah, Blah John 12:1-19 Palm Sunday
20-Apr Friend Request When You Give and Receive Nothing in Return Matthew 26:42-56 Easter
27-Apr Friend Request Who’s Got Your Back? 1 Samuel 18:1-16, 19:1-7, 20:1-42
4-May Friend Request Strength in Numbers: Praying for One Another Colossians 4:2-4
11-May Friend Request Hospitality for Busy Lives Romans 12:1-13 Mother’s Day
18-May Friend Request When You Need a Friend – Because Two is Better Than One 1 Peter 1:-2:3, 3:13-18, 4:1-10, 12-19 Congregational Business Meeting
25-May  Guest Speaker Scott Towers Memorial Weekend
1-Jun Friend of God An Outrageous Possibility James 2:14-26 Honor Graduates
8-Jun Friend of God God Dwelling With Us 1 Corinthians 6:1-20 Communion
15-Jun Friend of God God Ruling Us – Coming to Grips with Jesus as Our Benevolent King Romans 10:9-13 Father’s Day; Baby Dedication
22-Jun Friend of God God Loving Us Romans 8:31-39
29-Jun Friend of God God With Us Isaiah 7:1-16 5th Sunday
6-Jul Friend of God God Interceding For Us Romans 8:12-27 Independence Day
13-Jul Friend of God God Our Father Romans 8:12-17
20-Jul Friend of God God Preparing For Us Revelation 21:1-22:5 Communion
27-Jul Living Life Together Living Life Together Because Our Family Had a Great Beginning Acts 11:1-11, 2:1-16
3-Aug Living Life Together The Message That Draws Us Together Acts 4:1-36  VBS Day
10-Aug Living Life Together Handling Our Finances with Generosity and Integrity Acts 5:1-16
17-Aug Living Life Together Proclaiming the Name Acts 5:12-42
24-Aug Living Life Together Solving Problems Quickly Acts 6:1-7 Baptism and Family Night
31-Aug Living Life Together Facing Pressure Courageously Acts 6:7-15, 51-60 5th Sunday
7-Sep Living Life Together When Times Are Hard Acts 8:1-40
14-Sep Living Life Together Amazed by God’s Grace Acts 9:1-31
21-Sep Living Life Together Celebrating Everyone’s Place On The Team Acts 9:32-42 Communion; SYATP
28-Sep Living Life Together Praying With Hearts of Faith Acts 12:1-25
5-Oct Living Life Together Properly Fulfilling the Mission Acts 13:1-16, 38-52 Hayride—Fall Party
12-Oct Living Life Together Discerning God’s Will As A Family Acts 15:1-35
19-Oct Living Life Together Experiencing the Power of God Acts 15:36-16:34  BCC 101
26-Oct Guest Speaker Scott Towers
2-Nov Living Life Together Making a Difference That Can’t Be Ignored  Acts 17:1-15 Daylight Savings Time Ends
9-Nov Stewardship LLT by Taking the Next Step in Your Financial Earning  Col 3:22-25
16-Nov Stewardship The Next Step in Spending  Luke 12:13-33 Thanksgiving Dinner
23-Nov Stewardship The Next Step in Giving  2 Cor 8:1-15; 9:14 Communion
30-Nov That Crazy Family of Yours Tis the Season for OCD Philippians 3:1-16 5th Sunday
7-Dec That Crazy Family of Yours Too Much Sugar, Too Many Presents Deuteronomy 6:1-9
14-Dec That Crazy Family of Yours Fixing Your Focus Matthew 2:1-12 Children’s program
21-Dec That Crazy Family of Yours Loving Your Outlaws Genesis 2:18-25
24-Dec, Wednesday  That Crazy Family of Yours  Christmas Has Always Been Crazy  Luke 2:1-20  Christmas Eve
28- Dec That Crazy Family of Yours The Biggest Bill Has Been Paid Colossians 2:1-15