2024 Sermons

We always begin the New Year in asking a series of questions that keep us on track. Why? Because it is crucial for everybody on the team to have clear…


Date Series Sermon Scripture Special Events
1/7/2024 The Gospel of John Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer, Pt 8    John 17:23-26 Communion
1/14/2024 The Gospel of John The Betrayal of Jesus John 18:1-11
1/21/2024 The Gospel of John The Trial and the Denial John 18:12-27
1/28/2024 The Gospel of John Jesus before Pilate John 18:18-38 Baby Dedication, Sanctity of Human
2/4/2024 The Gospel of John Jesus before Pilate, Pt 2 John 18:18-38 Communion
2/11/2024 The Gospel of John Jesus before Pilate, Pt 3 John 18:18-19:16 Valentine’s Day
2/18/2024 The Gospel of John Reasons to Believe John 19:17-30
2/25/2024 The Gospel of John The Crucifixion of Jesus John 19:17-30
3/3/2024 The Gospel of John The Death and Resurrection of Jesus John 19:17-30 Communion
3/10/2024 The Gospel of John Glory—Even after Jesus’ Death John 19:16-30 Daylight Savings Time Begins
3/17/2024 The Gospel of John Death Defeated  John 19:31-20:10
3/24/2024 The Gospel of John He is Risen!   John 20:1-10 Palm Sunday
3/31/2024 The Gospel of John He is Risen! (Cont.)  John 20:11-29 Easter; Easter Breakfast
4/7/2024 The Gospel of John Witnesses of the Resurrected Christ John 20:11-31 Communion; BCC 101 
4/14/2024 The Gospel of John These Things are Written so that…  John 20:30-31
4/21/2024 The Gospel of John The Messiah John 20:31
4/28/2024 The Gospel of John Fishermen or Fisher of Men  John 21:1-14
5/5/2024 The Gospel of John The Question: Do You Love Me? John 21:15-25 Communion
5/12/2024 Mother’s Day  The Model of a Godly Mother 1 Samuel 1-2 Mother’s Day
5/19//2024 Surprising Truths of God Victory through Obedience Numbers 20:10-13 
5/26/2024 Surprising Truths of God  Jesus Marvels Luke 7:1-10 Memorial Weekend
6/02/2024 Surprising Truths of God  Jesus Marvels, Pt 2 Luke 7:1-10 Communion
6/9/2024 Surprising Truths of God  The Sufficiency of Scripture Psalm 19:1-14
6/16/2024 Truths of God  The Sufficiency of Scripture, Pt 2 Psalm 19:7-9 Father’s Day; Baby Dedication
6/23/2024 Truths of God  The Sufficiency of Scripture, Pt 2b Psalm 19:7-9 Honor Graduates
6/30/2024 Truths of God   Discernment: How to get it Various passages 5th Sunday; Potluck at the Pavilion; BCC 101 Class
7/7/2024 Truths of God  Discernment: How to get it, Pt 2 Various passages Communion; Missionary update
7/14/2024 Truths of God  Discernment: how to get it, Pt 3  1 Thes 5:14-22 
7/21/2024 Truths of God  Contentment: How to get it Philippians 4:10-12
7/28/2024 Truths of God  Contentment: How to get it, Pt 2 Philippians 4:13 VBS Week @ The Pavilion
8/4/2024 Truths of God  Contentment: How to get it, Pt 3 Philippians 4:14-19 Communion
8/11/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter An Overview: The Apostle Peter  1 Peter 
8/18/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter Aliens who are Chosen 1 Peter 1:1 
8/25/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter Aliens who are Chosen, Pt 2  1 Peter 1:2 
9/1/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter Aliens who are Chosen, Pt 3 1 Peter 1:2  Communion
9/8/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter Hearts of Gratitude for His Eternal Gift  1 Peter 1:3 
9/15/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter Hearts of Gratitude for His Eternal Gift, Pt 2  1 Peter 1:4-5 
9/22/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter Joy in Spite of Suffering  1 Peter 1:6-7 
9/29/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter Joy in Spite of Suffering, Pt 2 1 Peter 1:8-9 5th Sunday; Potluck; 101 Class
10/6/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter Those who Preached the Gospel to You 1 Peter 1:10-12 Communion
10/13/2024 Guest Speaker: Elder Scott Towers
10/20/2024 Guest Speaker: Missionary Jonathan Young Missions update: Jonathan and Fozia 
10/27/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter Live as Obedient Children  1 Peter 1:13-17
11/3/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter The Glories of our Redemption  1 Peter 1:18  Communion
11/10/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter The Glories of our Redemption, Pt 2  1 Peter 1:18-19
11/17/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter Love One Another From the Heart 1 Peter 1:22  Thanksgiving Dinner
11/24/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter Love One Another From the Heart, Pt 2 1 Peter 1:22-25 
12/1/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter An Insatiable Thirst for the Word  1 Peter 2:1-3 Communion; Children’s program
12/8/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter We are Living Stones—Choice and Precious  1 Peter 2:4 
12/15/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter We are Living Stones for a Spiritual House  1 Peter 2:5a  Congregational Meeting
12/22/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter We offer up Spiritual Sacrifices to God 1 Peter 2:5b 
12/29/2024 The Epistle of 1 Peter Christ: A Precious Stone and a Crushing Rock 1 Peter 2:6-8 Fifth Sunday; 101 Class; game afternoon @ church
1/5/2025 The Epistle of 1 Peter Believers: Chosen and Royal 1 Peter 2:9 Communion