Leadership Education and Training—The next class is on Monday, January 13th, from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. Pastor Mark: 419-630-7049, mark@bridgewatercc.org
Adult Bible Study—Wednesday, January 15th at 6:30 pm. The Wednesday Youth Discipleship program will resume on January 22nd. Pastor Mark: 419-630-7049, mark@bridgewatercc.org
Abide Ladies Bible Study— The following study of 2 Corinthians is on Monday, February 3rd, from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm. You will meet at the house. Renee Pitman: 419-630-0028, realmm@roadrunner.com
Men’s Ministry—The next Men’s gathering is on Saturday, February 8, 2025, at 6:00 am. As we start this year in the Men’s study, we will embark on a study of God’s attributes: No One Like Him: A Study of God’s Perfections. At the heart of all spiritual life and vitality is the knowledge of God. Jesus taught this when He stated, “This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent” (John 17:3). Nothing is as instrumental in shaping our daily attitudes, influencing our decisions, determining the course of our lives, guiding our relationships, and motivating our worship and obedience as our thoughts about God—and the extent to which these thoughts reflect divine reality is the extent to which we flourish in each of these areas. Recognizing the unparalleled importance of this topic for men, our monthly men’s ministry will devote this upcoming year (plus) to an in-depth study of the character of God. Men, please join us. Pastor Mark: 419-630-7049, mark@bridgewatercc.org
Cancellation Policy—In the event of inclement weather on Wednesday evenings or Sunday mornings, we will leave a message on the church answering machine (485.8229), post it on our webpage (www.bridgewatercc.org), and announce it on WBCL( 89.5 FM).